
My biggest passion when playing The Sims is the designing part of the game. I like trying different styles in both rooms, houses, community lots and people. Now that I have all of the expansion packs for Sims 3 and a subscription to The Sims Resource (which is great by the way) I have tonnes of saves and a tonne of houses. Sadly during moving from computers and from version to version, I've lost most of them but I'm still making new ones.
Some of the designs that dedicated simmers make are amazing. I look at the pictures and am just like 'wow... where did you have the time?'. It pays to look closely at the detail. I've become obsessed with little objects that make the place look more like a house. I have hundreds of downloads from The Sims Resource that are dedicated to that hobby. Things like keys, small toys, flowers, tools, kitchen utensils and bathroom and office clutters. It's so exciting!

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