Sims 3 Cheats

So you wanna make life a little interesting in Sims 3 without the hard work? Try out the cheats!
Now most people playing Sims already know about the cheats from previous games and experience and such but I still thought to compile the lists here.
There are a couple of types of cheats. The normal cheats that you put straight into the bar, which is accessible through [Ctrl+Shift+C], and then cheats that are accessible through mods. I'll have both of these in this tab along with a description of the mods and links to where you can download them.
For ways to get the same results without having to resort to cheats, you will want to go over to the 'Tips & Hints' page, although most of it is still hard work.

To get families and academies like the one below; cheats, or at the very least mods, are necessary. There are many things that you cannot achieve through normal play unless you have the necessary mods and a will to persevere from scratch to such an end result.

This one photo contains two mods and two cheats. The mods used, Master Controller and Portrait Panel allow for the vast numbers of the academy and enable me to control all of the sims. The cheats used were, of course, 'familyFunds' and 'moveObject on'. They're the reason for the mansion and why everyone is obediently lined up.

If you want to view my page on Mods, click over here
To view the list of cheats, you can click here In-Game Console Cheats

Tip: if you want to view the list of cheats that you can put into the command bar, whilst in game, simply type 'help' into the bar and hit [Enter]. The game itself will give the list of commands/cheats.

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